20 Day Food Challenge


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This is YOUR journey: Do NOT go to sleep until you have done your challenge each day!

  • It is your job to be honest to you!
  • It may not be easy but you will finish what you set out to do!
  • Small changes = Sustainability
  • Big challenges are fun but less likely to stick

20 days are going to pass, whether you like it or not, so why don’t you buy into this assignment and make your final project a lot easier for you to accomplish.
Each day, you will be provided the first 10 minutes of class to complete the following questions. Questions that fall on the weekend are YOUR job!

It is your job to record your answers for each day! You will do this by creating and posting a short video on Instagram (you may create a special account specifically for this class). If you cannot make a post for the designated day, either post early, or contact Miss Arseneau to let her know. (@ccimissarseneau OR arseneau.riley@prairiesouth.ca).

Good Luck and enjoy the challenge!

Day 1. Explain what your challenge is going to be for the next 20 days.

Everyone needs a starting point. What is your starting point? Your job is to create a video explaining what your challenge is, why you chose the challenge, how you are going to be successful with this challenge, what are you going to when you get frustrated with this challenge. Make sure you demonstrate your starting point.

Day 2. Find one person that is going to be your accountability person during your challenge? This person will check in with you daily to see how your challenge is going.

Everyone needs an accountability buddy! Who is going to keep you accountable or make sure that you are doing this challenge? Explain who this person is and answers the who, what, where, when, why.

Day 3. Instagram SHOUT OUT DAY! 

What is your Instagram going to look like today? Capture an image or a 15 second video that tells the story of your challenge.

Day 4. You’re texting your best friend about your journey.

Replicate a texting conversation between you and your accountability buddy, about your journey so far. A minimum of 10 back and forth exchanges need to occur. There MUST be content with in the texts, not just “yeah, ok” This can be done through a screen capture or paper and pen drawing speech bubbles. Use your imagination or capture a real-life conversation. Then, video about it, showing your conversation!

Day 5. Re-evaluate. 

Day 5 in! What are your thoughts? Create a video that highlights the ups and downs, so far, of this 20 day challenge!

Day 6. What are 5 positive things about your journey so far?

Capture 5 images that capture explains emotions of your journey thus far!

Day 7. Try something new with your challenge that you haven’t done so far.

Capture a video of what you are doing that is new!

Day 8. Find a YouTube video, website, or blog of somebody that is practicing your challenge or has done a challenge similar to yours.

This is what it states! Make it happen and MAKE SURE you can reference it again!

Day 9. Pick one bad habit that you have about your challenge and ditch it!

It is your job to explain what is your bad habit when it comes to your challenge. Use a descriptive paragraph (post on your Instagram photo/video for that day) to answer this question. Use full description to capture your thoughts, feelings, and emotions regarding your challenge!

Day 10. Write the Pros and Cons of your journey

Make a T chart! Don’t tell me you don’t know what that is! Try to come up with 10 points and let’s see where they land! Explain this in your video of the day!

Day 11. Find another person in your life who you think you need to inspire today. Tell them about your journey and how are you going to inspire them to pursue their own challenge to better themselves

This is a “Tell Your Journey” day. There is no recording! All you have to do is record the name of the person you spoke to and what did you challenge them with (post a photo of the two of you – if you can)?

Day 12. Email or video a parent or guardian about your journey so far

Email or video a parent or guardian about the 20 day challenge. This must include a link to this website, and showing whatever documentation you have done so far with your challenge. This must be documented by having the parent respond to your email by having them in the video in someway. This is yet another way to show accountability.

Day 13. Wake up early and practice your challenge before coming to school

Good luck with this, but why not? IT’S ONE DAY!!! Have some sort of video or still image documentation of you working on your challenge, AND THE CLOCK! Screen capture if you need to!

Day 14. Do something that scares you about your challenge

Try that new fruit/vegetable/whatever it is! Do it!! Don’t forget to post about it!

Day 15. Don’t complain about your challenge for the whole day

How are you taking negative thoughts and turning them into a positive? Share your thoughts and words but how you do it is up to you! (wordle, collage, etc.). Post a short video discussing how it went!

Day 16. You’re texting your accountability partner about your journey to date. What does that conversation look like?

What does a conversation look like between you and your accountability buddy? How are you being supported? This could be screen captured or represented in a way you choose!

Day 17. Stop! What has been your true beliefs about this challenge, so far?

BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF! Don’t be afraid to post a long-winded rant!

Day 18. Two days left!! Tweet out your thoughts! 

In 140 characters, what is going on?

Day 19. Has this challenge changed your self-confidence

Describe yourself in words! What have you learned about yourself? What would you tell your 20 day younger self about your journey? What was difficult? What was rewarding? Are you glad you chose this challenge? Would you do another challenge like this, again?

Day 20. Video your reflection of the last 20 days

THIS IS IT!! YOU MADE IT!!! YOUR FINAL DAY!!! Re-watch your Day 1 video blog. Now it is your job to give a day 20 video blog! Share your thoughts, show your skills, talk about what was good and bad about this experience.